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I'm putting together a set of motorcycle plates from
every issuing jurisdiction on the globe. I NEED the ones below that
are in
have all the US issues, including DC, all the Canadians, as well as territorials,
and most of the national issues. The Bahamas motorcycles are also included
in the Bahamas section
- I now have all of the Bahamas islands.
Do you have one that's not listed, like some special
temporary cycle, military forces (like US Forces In... etc)?? - LET ME
KNOW! I'm interested, and will buy or trade, and bump up the total number
I need - I'm looking for ALL of the foreign motorcycle plates! Standard
private motorcycle plates are my priority, but non-passenger versions are
also of interest.
PHOTO - Listings in BLACK are plates in my collection
- generally, these are not available for trade, but I'm open to offers for
upgrade or different years or numbers. Listings
in BLUE are additional plates, usually an off-type of some
sort. These may be available for trade, just contact me with your offer!
Caddo Tribe of Oklahoma - Have current number 5, near mint.
California - Have undated 1963 base private
motorcycle, excellent condition. - Movie prop
mc plate, flat steel with cardboard characters - have 2005 vanity, JMZ
GLYD, excellent.
Cambodia - Have current plexi, vg+ number 1-72006,
with "Honda" graphics. - Standard private
motorcycle, embossed 51380 - white on red/blue/gold Military motorcycle -
Press Corps motorcycle 2174 - Government motorcycle embossed 4174 - flat
white on blue International Organization m/c number 0217, mint - Police
motorcycle, single line faded red/white plexi number 2.4967 - Military Police
motorcycle, red/white plexi with full POLICE legend and Khmer numbers - CD
25372, diplomatic motorcycle, litho blue/yellow on steel - red/white/blue
number 97, Riot Squad police motorcycle, plexi - 0274 Police motorcycle -
1A-4426 standard 2005 series private motorcycle, with dealership name..
Cameroon - Have white on black embossed
number NW 0871 A,vg used - have fancy white on blue
series motorcycle, large size complete with original "tiger" graphic mudflap
- have curved front Ouagadougu series motorcycle, double-sided number OU-192-F
- have 1960's vintage motorcycle number O-311-D (Ouest), used plate, former
Fox collection.
Canadian Forces in Germany - have nice red/white number M 4008.
Canadian Navy (CFB, Halifax, Nova Scotia) -
Have 1988 number 2441.
Canal Zone - Have 1979 number M-1355 -
have P.C.C. OFFICIAL motorcycle number

Canary Islands

Cape Verde - have vg used example from
Cape Verde Sotavento, white on black hand painted dishpan steel, from the
former McMahon collection.
Cape Province - Have black/gold embossed two liner -
have smaller scale used black/yellow number CY 145-363
- have older series single line motorcycle number CA169-936.
Cat Island - Have vgex 1977 issue, number 6.
Cayman Islands - Have white/yellow 1980's number
45 589 - have black/white Hire motorcycle number
31 796 - have 1993 motorcycle number 55 579 - have 1980's vintage motorcycle
number 31 440.
Central African
Republic - Have white on black embossed
number BG377, mint.

Ceylon - Have gvg used hand painted plate, 1971 vintage.

Chad - have current flat steel, vgex
used with CEMA crest on right end - have used Police
Dept motorcycle, G code (Genderme) with national flag - rear motorcycle with
CEMAC crest and Dealership legend..
Cherokee Tribe - have 2004 series motorcycle, number 99A - used plate,
with crest.
Chile - Have EX 1981 black/white from
San Bernando - Motorcycle Sidecar 1962 LJ15
- Motorcycle Dealer sample RE 00 - current national issue motorcycle
FJ-921 - 1932 Motorcycle dealer number 5237 - 1932 motorcycle sidecard number
3425 - 1932 - commercial motorcycle number 138 - older undated Santiago
motorcycle, dark green on off white - 1945 motorcycle-bicycle number NA6
- 1942 "3D" series, unknown type - 1959 motorcycle-bicycle number 81 - have
1964 motorcycle, from comuna of Tal Tal - have 1976 motorcycle, from comuna
of Til Til.
China - Have VG semi-current white/green
- current front motorcycle - red/white 1960's vintage
motorcycle - have current temporary/border motorcycle number 00429.
Christmas Island - Have VG #149
Chuuk - Have current issue motorcycle number
5 (formerly Truk)
Ciskei - Have current large size,
black/yellow GCF 937, vg - Police motorcycle, GCP over
795 - Special Forces motorcycle, black on white number GC 7-SF.
Cocos (Keeling) Island - Have current blue on
reflective white number 20.
Colombia - Have current black on refl. orange
OOS 99 - 1970's vintage green on gray - 1950's
vintage debossed steel, from Bogota, number DM1910 - have 1937 Colombia
motorcycle, from Perez. I believe the "A" is a type code, possibly
Aquiler, which would make this a motorcycle Dealer plate - have cast small
motorcycle issue, silver on blue Bogota issue B-150..
Colorado - Have 71 EX green/white GP-426
- Dealer NH 28, white on green, 2000 motorcycle vanity

Congo, Republic of - Have current series
motorcycle, with RC code and CEMAC crest / hologram - have current Government
motorcycle, black on yellow 224 BDQ4.

Congo, Democratic Republic
Connecticut - Have 74 vg blue/white 68083
- Dealer 1976, XB 27 - carboard temporary number 45994
- have Parade motorcycle blank, gradient graphic - have a white on red 1940's
vintage steel. I doubt this is a motorcycle Fire supp-plate, but if
you know of a larger one, please contact
me. This one is on the CT m/c size blank From Guilford Fire

Cook Islands - Have old series white on
dark blue number 3181, gvg - 1960's vintage
Government motorcycle, black on yellow number 63 - 1977 series private motorcycle
number CC 3979.
Corsica - Have an embossed Dealer motorcycle
plate, with 2B suffix and double WW code. vgex
Costa Rica - Have 1972 series motorcycle, white
on black number M 5011 - small motorcycle number
11548, red on blue - have current blue/white reflective motorcycle -
provisional/temporary motorcycle, flat silver on black metal, number MOT-57919
- current M 8245 - have near mint moped plate, number 6575, with stacked
BM prefix (Bicycle, motorized) - recent series private motorcycle, number

Cote D'Ivoire

Crooked Island - Have 1983 base motorcycle number 1.
Cuba - Have G current, black/yellow irp - have
1962 m/c - original black/white 014-569.
Curacao - Have 1990 motorcycle issue, white
on red 340 MF with crest. - 1989 Government
motorcycle, black on orange number 21.
Cyprus - Have former series square, black on
yellow plexi number RK over 982.
Czechoslovakia - Have black on white
GV-1 over 59-43, two liner, vg+ used. - Foreign Tech
Government motorcycle, yellow on blue number PUA 0035 - Motorcycle dealer,
green on white number X 12-79 - 1954 front curved motorcycle, heavy steel
double sided.
Czech Republic - Have black on white
number UO over 15-88, with red hexagonal "2002" sticker. gvg
- have current series Tax-exempt motorcycle sample,
Y 0000.
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