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I'm putting together a set of motorcycle plates from
every issuing jurisdiction on the globe. I NEED the ones below that
are in
have all the US issues, including DC, all the Canadians, as well as territorials,
and most of the national issues. The Bahamas motorcycles are also included
in the Bahamas section
- I now have all of the Bahamas islands.
Do you have one that's not listed, like some special
temporary cycle, military forces (like US Forces In... etc)?? - LET ME
KNOW! I'm interested, and will buy or trade, and bump up the total number
I need - I'm looking for ALL of the foreign motorcycle plates! Standard
private motorcycle plates are my priority, but non-passenger versions are
also of interest.
PHOTO - Listings in BLACK are plates in my collection
- generally, these are not available for trade, but I'm open to offers for
upgrade or different years or numbers. Listings
in BLUE are additional plates, usually an off-type of some
sort. These may be available for trade, just contact me with your offer!
Easter Island - Have 1981 black on white
number FZ 080, vg - have black on yellow 1980 series
"G" prefix motorcycle. These two are two of the four known Easter
Island motorcycle plates.
Eastern Cape Province - Have current graphic, excellent
Eastern Caroline Islands - Have 1989 number 003, excellent.
East Germany - Have last series, black
on white two liner, excellent. - East German ARMY
motorcycle VA 13-6333 - East German Police mc, VP 000544 - East German Border
Police motorcycle (GT = Grenztruppen) number GT 14 6235, with small East
German crest - have early 1950's vintage motor scooter number CL 61-62, hand
painted - excellent "Sports and Technical Org" series, black on yellow number
L over 05-16, with crest..
East Timor - Have current series used embossed
motorcycle, number 318 - have new owner-provided
motorcycle, with crest. Real plate, obtained IN East Timor, 2005.
Ecuador - Have EX used 72 yellow/blue
- 1973 Bicycle plate, green on grey - recent series
black on blue H-0373.
Egypt - Have current embossed/reflective number
41607 (has GIZA in Arabic across top) - have
recent series black on white, vg used (unknown town name at top - can anyone
tell me where this one is from?) - older white on black series hand painted
number 119 (could be from Luxor).
Eleuthera - Have 1977 issue, number 48 - vg condition.
El Salvador - Have 1971 motorcycle, original
white on blue number 8030.
Equatorial Guinea - Have black on white screen
stencilled, from Bioko Norte, gvg - white on
green temporary motorcycle, from Rio Muni, number 0019.
Eritrea - Have current motorcycle, Government
issue, black on white, excellent.
Eritrean Popular Liberation Front - Have
only known motorcycle, embossed steel, white on black number 198
Estonia (Independent pre-Soviet) - Have 1939
motor-scooter, black on light blue 424.
Estonian S.S.R. - Have white on black number
07-40 over cyrillic code for Estonia, standard Soviet series, vgex
- older motor scooter (1950s), number 6494 on sandwiched
steel - pre-1991 series black on white motorcycle.
Estonia (Independent post-Soviet) - Have black
on white 1997 plate number 228 over CD, new style without cut corners.
Mint. - Have first Independence issue, approx
1992, large two liner steel, vgex number 801 AP - have horizontal style 2005
issue, number 13 HL, vgex.
Ethiopia - Have VG Addis Ababa 1522 irp
- 1930's vintage motorcycle number 90 - 1980's vintage
Red Cross motorcycle number 501 - 1960's bicycle plate, white on blue number
033 - 1990's vintage private motorcycle number 499 - have double sided front
motorcycle, flat hand painted steel number 1361, from Addis Ababa - have
Government motorcycle, yellow on blue "4" series number 270..
European Union
Exuma - Have gvg 1979 issue, number 5.
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