Box 222, East Texas, Pennsylvania 18046 - USA - Email
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I'm putting together a set of motorcycle plates from
every issuing jurisdiction on the globe. I NEED the ones below that
are in
have all the US issues, including DC, all the Canadians, as well as territorials,
and most of the national issues. The Bahamas motorcycles are also included
in the Bahamas section
- I now have all of the Bahamas islands.
Do you have one that's not listed, like some special
temporary cycle, military forces (like US Forces In... etc)?? - LET ME
KNOW! I'm interested, and will buy or trade, and bump up the total number
I need - I'm looking for ALL of the foreign motorcycle plates! Standard
private motorcycle plates are my priority, but non-passenger versions are
also of interest.
PHOTO - Listings in BLACK are plates in my collection
- generally, these are not available for trade, but I'm open to offers for
upgrade or different years or numbers. Listings
in BLUE are additional plates, usually an off-type of some
sort. These may be available for trade, just contact me with your offer!
Macao - Have curved white/black front plastic M-12-43 -
have CM series Moped plate, number 11888, front curved
- have used Motorcycle DEALER, white on red plastic, with crest branded into
the backing plastic of the plate.
Macedonia - Have current motorcycle plate,
large series from Skopje number 666 KT. - Moped,
black on white number 63-68 - Diplomatic motorcycle, gold on refl black,
1991 series number 60A-119 - Learner motorcycle, white on blue number 11-039
- Police Motorcycle number M 430-004.
Madagascar - Have silver on black single
liner, excellent. Number 9540 TK - have former
series silver/black mc 7712 TL - have current black/yellow mc 2122 TAG.
Maine - Have 73 VGEX black/yellow 33299 - Dealer,
black on yellow number D 83 A - current "RIDE SAFE" slogan issue, 2501Z.
Majuro Atoll - Have 1988, vg used plate,
number 146.
Malagasy Republic - have 1960's vintage
plate, 0419 over TH, from the Fox collection.
Malawi - Have current motorcycle, standard
two liner series, well used, from Blantyre.
Malaysia, Federal Territory - have white on black WH series, rear

Malaysia, Johore State - J prefix series
Malaysia, Kedah State - Have silver on black KB series curved.
Malaysia, Kelantan State - D-- #### series
Malaysia, Malacca State - curved front motorcycle, double-sided, number
MM9965, excellent.
Malaysia, Negeri Simbilan State - N-- #### series
Malaysia, Pahang State - C-- #### series
Malaysia, Penang State - Have white on black
plastic raised on plexi, number PBL 1692.
Malaysia, Perak State - Have white on black number AD over 3627.
Malaysia, Perlis State - R-- #### series
Malaysia, Sabah State - SA5814E, double sided raised plastic.
Malaysia, Sarawak - Q- (B/C/K/L/M/P/Q/S/T/6D/7D) -
#### series (QBA 1234)
Malaysia, Selangor State - BB 2662, raised silver on black.
Malaysia, Terengganu State - T-- #### series
Maldives - Have 90 VGEX current - have a former
series motorcycle, with Divehi characters - have 2005 series plexi, with
newer "B AO A" coding across top.
Mali - Have current series French style,
small square silver/black, gvg number 2RMH over 6582 - cutout "2" -
Technical Assistance motorcycle plate, blue/white 7219
AT from 2002, with hologram - have a front curved, double-sided temporary
motorcycle, number ITRM4984 (former Fox collection, rear mate to this plate
is shown in the ALPCA archive).
Malta - Have the former series, black
on reflective white with "circle M" logo. - Old series
motorcycle, silver on black 76311 - 1950's vintage front curved motorcycle,
Manitoba - Have 95ex #04LX4 - 1983 series motorcycle
dealer - have 1960's vintage Government motorcycle, undated number 880..
Marianas Islands - Have 69 base VGEX #588 -
have low numbered 1969 series, number 27, fair
Marshall Islands - Have 1969 base, vg
used number 247. - 1985 sticker plate, unused
Martinique - Have former series silver
on black two line number 12RJ over 972, excellent -
recent series black/yellow motorcycle, with legend,
number 170AVN972.
Maryland - Have 74 EX white/blue TV38
- Dealer DLR 960
Massachusetts - Have a 1966 white on green number 24484, excellent
- Dealer, DX15B.
Mauritania - have 1990's vintage motorcycle
- full sized two liner, from the former Fox collection.
Mauritius - Have EX silver/black number BH 912 -
have dupe two liner ED 605 - Dealer, white on red number TP 12.
Mauritius and Rodrigues - 1980's vintage GOVERNMENT motorcycle plate
- this plate was used on both Mauritius, and the out island of Rodrigues.
Melekeok - Have VG first issue #36
Melilla - 1970's series private motorcycle.
Menominee Tribe - Have recent series motorcycle numbe 103.
Mexico (national)
MEXICO - Aguascalientes - Have 1965 vgex, white on med.blue number
MEXICO - Baja California Norte - Have 1960, white on blue number 263
MEXICO - Baja California Sur -
Have 1974/75 excellent-, black on yellow, number 395.
MEXICO - Campeche - Have 1992
gvg, green on white, number 5171.
MEXICO - Chiapas - Have 1982/83
excellent-, white on black, number 2054.
MEXICO - Chihuahua - Have 1984/85
excellent, white on metallic copper, number 6103 - have
recent series graphic motorcycle plate, number C428Z.
MEXICO - Coahuila - Have 1982, orange on french gray.
MEXICO - Colima - Have 1991, vg
white on green number 3998.
MEXICO - Distrito Federal - Have 1950 motorcycle, number 1133 - could
be the oldest known - Have 1974/75, vgex, medium blue
on white number 10-370 - have current series "angel" graphic, 6134 F - have
D.F. issue from 1944, number 0803 (oldest known Mexican motorcycle).
MEXICO - Durango - Have 1969,
red on light blue number 605.
MEXICO - Guanajuato - Have 1965,
MEXICO - Guererro - Have 1983,
vg, black on lavender, number 356 - have recent series
graphic, number F299V, have recent graphic number FSY04.
MEXICO - Hidalgo - Have 1975,
excellent, white on bright red, number 2777. Has HGO legend.
MEXICO - Jalisco - Have 1960
motorcycle, black on pink number 444.
MEXICO - Mexico State - Have 1968/69 white on dark blue, gvg with
exhs, number 4700.
MEXICO - Michoacan - Have 1983
red on white, vg, with state name spelled out, number 03924.
MEXICO - Morelos - Have 1974/75
yellow on black, vgex, number 1748.
MEXICO - Nayarit - Have 1975,
navy blue on white, vg+ number 2471.
MEXICO - Nuevo Leon - Have 1956, black on red, vg- number 0320.
MEXICO - Oaxaca - Have 1977, red
on yellow, vg+ number 60.
MEXICO - Puebla - Have 1990,
blue on pale blue-violet, excellent-, number 4800.
MEXICO - Queretaro - Have 1976/77,
white on yellow, gvg- number 2605
MEXICO - Quintana Roo - Have 1971 excellent red on green number 422.
MEXICO - San Luis Potosi - Have 1978, excellent, light blue on tan,
number 2388.
MEXICO - Sinaloa - Have 1981 vg original,
black on red number 4590.
MEXICO - Sonora - Have 1970, red on bright green number 3404.
MEXICO - Tabasco - Have 1990/91,
gvg, yellow on red, number 1851, with TABASCO spelled out.
MEXICO - Tamaulipas - Have 1991
blue/tan, excellent used.
MEXICO - Tlaxcala - Have 1967
black on tan, number 24.
MEXICO - Veracruz - Have 1985,
vg+, yellow on navy blue, number 5539.
MEXICO - Yucatan - Have 1984,
gvg, white on medium blue, with YUC-MOTO designation, number 06 822.
MEXICO - Zacatecas - Have 1986,
excellent-, black on pumpkin orange, number 4114.
Michigan - Have 70 EX white/mustard T8631 - Dealer
520 D, white on blue.
Micronesia - Mint number 11 Government
Middle Congo
Midway Island
Minnesota - Have 71 EX- red/white 105949 - Tax
Exempt sample, orange - Dealer D50-422
Mississippi - Have 69 EX, cream/mud brown, 14232 -
Dealer red on yellow 216 - Antique motocycle number
214 - 1979 Shriner's motorcycle, number 70, excellent.
Missouri - Have 75 EX, blue/white, 3P-996 -
Dealer, flat graphic D5653-A - Vanity motorcycle, number
"MY 650" (special colors)
Moldavian S.S.R.
Moldova - Have current black/white with
gold seal, excellent.
Monaco - Have 67, vg/ex used plate
- have current series motorcycle, 2007 number HM45
Mongolia - Have current large two liner, with crest -
former black/white steel, vg - have former series number
3 motorcycle, from Ulan Bataar - have old series Ulan Bataar motorcycle,
flat stencilled black on white, former McMahon collection - have POLICE
motorcycle, heavy embossed steel, black on yellow with red diagonal
stripe - received by Dr. Klotz directly from Mongolia in the 1980s.
Montana - Have white/blue 75 EX, number 33-55 -
Prototype purple on refl white number AB-CDE - Dealer
number 1D2-3 - have Police motorcycle, orange on white Exempt.
Montserrat - Have white on black small
size, excellent condition, number MT over 1103 (front and back shown)
- have single line 1990's vintage, well used hand painted
on steel number M 2428.

Morocco - Have current motorcycle, black
on white number 4352 over 1-2. Excellent unused. -
Government Official motorcycle, 3425
- black on white moped plate, number 50.
Mozambique - have 1970's vintage plexi,
used issue - from Maputo, the capital.
Mpumalanga - current series motorcycle.
Muscogee Tribe, Oklahoma - Current series private motorcycle number
Mustique (bike or moped OK)
Myanmar - current embossed series motorcycle,
with seal, excellent - have recent embossed
commercial motorcycle (vendor/tri-shaw), excellent - have white on black
Police motorcycle (with embossed "star in shield" crest, actual crest shown
at right of plate photo), brought back from Myanmar in 2007.
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