Box 222, East Texas, Pennsylvania 18046 - USA - Email
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I'm putting together a set of motorcycle plates from
every issuing jurisdiction on the globe. I NEED the ones below that
are in
have all the US issues, including DC, all the Canadians, as well as territorials,
and most of the national issues. The Bahamas motorcycles are also included
in the Bahamas section
- I now have all of the Bahamas islands.
Do you have one that's not listed, like some special
temporary cycle, military forces (like US Forces In... etc)?? - LET ME
KNOW! I'm interested, and will buy or trade, and bump up the total number
I need - I'm looking for ALL of the foreign motorcycle plates! Standard
private motorcycle plates are my priority, but non-passenger versions are
also of interest.
PHOTO - Listings in BLACK are plates in my collection
- generally, these are not available for trade, but I'm open to offers for
upgrade or different years or numbers. Listings
in BLUE are additional plates, usually an off-type of some
sort. These may be available for trade, just contact me with your offer!
Namibia - have current motorcycle, plexi
number N34 over 55S.
Nassau - Have 1977 issue, gvg - number 1. - Old
pre-1975 series hand painted number 7931.
Natal Province - Have 1970's vintage motorcycle,
embossed white on black.
Nauru - Have blue on white former series
number 10-001, vgex - have Goverment motorcycle number
R-978 - have recent series white/black 11161.
Nazi Germany, SS - World War II - SS motorcycle
Nazi Germany, Military - ARMY motorcycle (Wehrmacht Heer) - have composite
material, curved front plate
Nazi-era Germany - Motorcycle, from the town of Baden. Single
sided, heavy steel.
Nebraska - Have EX 69, black/white 1-13310 -
Dealer 1976, number 10-36 - 1970's vintage Police
motorcycle 1268 - 1933 private motorcycle, original vg number 2, from county
Nepal - Have VG fancy curved front - red on
white Government motorcycle, large rear square - blue on yellow National
Corporation motorcycle, front plate - white on blue Diplomatic motorcycle,
front motorcycle - trishaw, old series hand painted oval shape, with full
legend at the top.
Netherlands - Current large two liner,
MJ2 over 2YK - 1950s vintage prussian blue priv.motorcycle
- HH "moped travelling abroad" issue 16553 - 1920's vintage Temporary Tourist
front motorcycle - Army Aggregrate motorcycle SH07-48 - Military Police
motorcycle KS 30-05 - have 1972 moped plate, PQM over 211.
Netherlands Forces in Germany - 1975
series motorcycle plate, large two liner.

Nevada - Have 82 EX- white/blue vanity ITW-2 -
Dealer 1968 D165 - Movie Prop number BX470 (changed
from exempt EX 470) - have 1970 series motorcycle dealer D-18 - have only
known example of State Senator motorcycle, number 9 (1981) - Nevada Highway
Patrol number 407.
New Brunswick - Have 96 mint, number MC29875 -
have 2005 "ship graphic" motorcycle, excellent - have
mint 1960 motorcyclenumber 1-679.
New Caledonia - Have recent series
motorcycle, received directly from the island.
New (East) Sudan
Newfoundland and Labrador - Have
red/white/blue issue, gvg condition.
New Guinea - Have late 1950's vintage motorcycle, two liner number
1610, excellent.
New Hampshire - Have 1974 passenger motorcycle, number 830, excellent
- vanity motorcycle 1972 number SKIP - Dealer number
90-A - cardboard temporary number 76 - Have unusual red on white motorcycle
number 40153, with error paint job (reverse painted).
New Hebrides
New Jersey - Have 80 VGEX, black/straw 636NJ
New Mexico - Have 72 EX, red/white M67862 - Dealer
number DL9075 - have maroon on turquoise Official Motorcycle, low number
17- have XC Government series XC-25 - have 1971 private motorcycle, number
M 1001.
New South Wales - Have black/yellow vgex - Dealer,
brown on white - have yellow on green 1960's Vintage Cycle plate, with NEWCASTLE
club attachment - have early version "non-legend" Antique motorcycle plate,
used by the Goulburn Veteran & Vintage Car Club, gold on maroon
number 003.
New York - Have 67 EX, orange/blue #27A16
- have 1981 motorcycle Dealer plate, number 6130
- have Nassau County Police motorcycle, white/blue number 995.
New Zealand - Current refl. white two liner, number 81 SBB -
1970's motorcycle number 1EEJ - Dealer, number D11
- 1956 motorcycle number 29*913 - 1940 motorcycle, white on dark red number
18,390 - have current single liner number 22TQY.
Ngaraard - have current issue, number 5 -
Ngarchelong - Have 1988 excellent, number 10.
Ngardmau State
Ngarmelengui State
Ngatpang State - Have current series,
orange and brown on refl white. Mint
Ngchesar State - Have current
yellow/green/black/red graphic with birds, number 5 - mint.
Ngiwal State
Nicaragua - Have current red/white Libre, VG -
Army motorcycle 2108 - Government motorcycle 1959,
number GN 51 - State Motorcycle, number 00136 - private Managua issue, with
error prefix - M is upside down.
Niger - Have a 1970's vintage motorcycle,
from Niamey, number 5294 NY2 - Have a well used, current
series ONG/Tech Staff motorcycle, orange on green with hologram and RN legend,
number 328.
Nigeria - Have white on black passenger
motorcycle, number KD51007CA, vg with odd flat dies. -
Government motorcycle, silver on green number 5FGN831 - Motorcycle Dealer
number DOD4Y, embossed silver on black - have owner provided plexi motorcycle
AN 7856 WM with Nike "swoosh", and "GOD FIRST" legend - have newer owner-provided
current, with gradient and slogan, broken - have 1970's vintage POLICE
motorcycle, number NPF 5962A (Nigerian Police Forces), used with vibration
cracks and tu, have front curved standard issue KAD 6866, stencilled on
Niue - Have an early series passenger, same
as used on motorcycles. Black/white number 635. vg
Norfolk Island - Have black/yellow C-981, VGEX used
North Carolina - Have 71 VG green/white 2221 MB -
Dealer 1983 MD-1036 - cardboard temporary mc 4068-MS
North Dakota - Have 70 EX, green/white 11596 -
1973 Dealer number 84.
Northern Cape - current series motorcycle with picture of gemsbok
on a plain.
Northern Ireland - Have black on reflective
white two liner, number BZ over 1626, vg condition used -
have 1950's vintage Londonderry Police motorcycle,
two sided number 56 90120.
Northern Province - current series motorcycle with crest.
Northern Marianas Islands - Have 1980's
vintage motorcycle 1520.
Northern Territory (Australia) - 1970's vintage orange on refl white
number 38-164 - ochre/white "Nature Territory" prototype
issue, number 436-05 - 1950's first issue number 11-487 - have white on green
Tourist motorcycle (discontinued type), number TV (Tour Vehicle) -206 - have
white on black 1950's vintage first issue matched set, with off-type
dies, number 12-554.
North Korea - Have yellow embossed "7"
series motorcycle, number 16, probably 1980's vintage, from Hwanghae-Bukdo
- have black/white late 1980's vintage Government
motorcycle, embossed steel - from Sinuiju (P'yôngan Bukdo) - number
was restamped from "634" - have private motorcycle 4-2501 (reverse has white
government motorcycle number remains) - have private motorcycle 4-1436, with
embossed round seal - have double-sided motorcycle, heavy flat steel.
White government motorcycle side is number 1-3753, private motorcycle
series (yellow) is number 4-1357 - have black on ORANGE private motorcycle,
number 4-2363, well used.
North Vietnam - Have older black/silver
Hanoi issue (29 code), vg
Northwest Province - Have current motorcycle, with graphics.
Northwest Territories - Have mint 1971 issue,
number 50 - 1984 bear issue 1176.
Norway - Have current number FV over
1560, vgex condition, black on refl white.- have 1950's
vintage front plate, black on silver heavy embossed, E-73310.
Nova Scotia - Have 79 VGEX, blue/white #1-66-00 -
Dealer 1966, number 15 - have mint 1967 motorcycle
number 54-40.
Nunavut - Have excellent used 2005 issue motorcycle.
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