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I'm putting together a set of motorcycle plates from
every issuing jurisdiction on the globe. I NEED the ones below that
are in
have all the US issues, including DC, all the Canadians, as well as territorials,
and most of the national issues. The Bahamas motorcycles are also included
in the Bahamas section
- I now have all of the Bahamas islands.
Do you have one that's not listed, like some special
temporary cycle, military forces (like US Forces In... etc)?? - LET ME
KNOW! I'm interested, and will buy or trade, and bump up the total number
I need - I'm looking for ALL of the foreign motorcycle plates! Standard
private motorcycle plates are my priority, but non-passenger versions are
also of interest.
PHOTO - Listings in BLACK are plates in my collection
- generally, these are not available for trade, but I'm open to offers for
upgrade or different years or numbers. Listings
in BLUE are additional plates, usually an off-type of some
sort. These may be available for trade, just contact me with your offer!
Tahiti - Have 1980's vintage motorcycle
number 7246-K (second photo shows plate on bike in Tahiti) -
Have 1940's vintage motorcycle plate, hand painted
four digit over "G". vg
Taiwan - Have vgex white on bright green number 94644. -
black on pale blue number ASU-949, with ideograms -
1970's vintage motorcycle sample number 567890 - yellow series motorcycle
- blue-green series motorcycle - newer pine green large-sized motorcycle
- have black on pale blue large issue, with no legend (34-85342) - former
series small motorcycle, white on blue irp number 53-70035.
Tanzania - Have hand painted white on
black, vg used, number TDK 687. - Army motorcycle,
white on gray, number 0061 JW 0690 - have a more current series, TZ over
98214 - have 1980's vintage square two liner TD over 9305.
Tasmania - Have blue/white EX - 1954 standard
motorcycle, purple on white number WNX-780 - off road motorcycle number
Tenerife - Have moped plate, black on
white number OV over 1938, good.
Tennessee - Have 70 EX, yellow/green ZF-5043 -
Dealer 1979 number 85124 - Shrine 1974 number 1F -
Shrine 1980 number 88 - Antique Motorcycle issue number 69, unusual "no state
name" version - have Illinois-made test/prototype motorcycle, number 77777
- have original condition 1954 map shape motorcycle, number 3-353.
Territory of Papua New Guinea - Have white on black number 8-895,
vgex used plate
Texas - Have 1972 standard, excellent - vanity
1979 number RED FLY - Dealer 1966 number P2278 - temporary cardboard number
Thailand - Have semi-current motorcycle, number 3333 -
white on red Police motorcycle 1111 - old 1960's vintage,
number 10376 - 1960's vintage two liner 15757 - black on yellow rickshaw
number 00033 (photo shows tourists haggling the actual plate away from the
rickshaw driver - this is the actual plate shown in the ALPCA archive)
- temporary motorcycle 632 - 1970's embossed black/white - have old
silver on red motorcycle dealer, with frame - Miltary motorcycle, combined
forces, full Thai script with crest - older white/black with red panel
motorcycle, 1960's vintage number 06237 - alternate 1970's design number
12026 - all Thai script fancy design front curved, unused - Thai Police
motorcycle, black on red number 13 - temporary series, all black on refl
white number 774 - have 2007 series passenger, with three letter-three number
series 939 - have a dealer-temp motorcycle from Pattaya, number 40056.

Tibet - Have 1960's vintage series, repainted, very heavy steel -
from the town of Xizang.
Togo - Have former series two line,
blue on refl white, gvg - have blue/white TG series
motorcycle, used - red on yellow commercial motorcycle number TG-K 8819,
excellent - have current series black/white motorcycle TGN 4526, have oddball
black/yellow motorcycle TF-5317.
Tonga - Have standard embossed steel
motorcycle, white on black number 654, excellent-
Transkei - Have black on orange two line,
number XB over 273, excellent unissued - Police motorcycle,
white on blue number XP 872 - Government motorcycle number XG over 329.
Transvaal - Have current two line plexi,
number NWJ over 836T - older series white on black
number TSN 11300 - have three plate set of motorcycle plates, number TDK332
- have 1950's white on black motorcycle from Pretoria, number TP 8167.

Trinidad and Tobago - have 1970's vintage
motorcycle, from the former Roy Klotz collection.
Tristan da Cunha - Have white on black
plexi number TDC over 209, mint - 1990's vintage rubber
plate, black on yellow, number 67, with original mailer.
Trucial States
- Have navy on white 1972 number 142, excellent
Trust Territories Pacific Islands - Have
complete set of the six first issue 1968-69 "blue base" motorcycles
photo of Truk issue to follow
Tunisia - Have rear two liner issue,
white on black number 9358-126 - have older single
liner front plate, number 39 8388.
Turkey - Have old style black on natural aluminum number 67FC over
128, vgex used - black on white series standard motorcycle,
number 37 AV 823 - current blue-stripe series, number 06 YTJ over 94 - 1950's
vintage small moped plate, from Sakarya..
Turkish Cyprus - Have standard private
motorcycle, DB 215 with red border, flat steel - have
Government motorcycle number RHA 780, mint plexiglass.
Turks and Caicos Islands - Have current red on white number TC 1232
- have recent series, number TC1732 - front curved
old style, embossed silver on black number TC 1386
Tuvalu - Have VIC prefix motorcycle (Vaiutpu
Island Council), white on black stencilled - have 2000
era motorcycle, plastic number A00522 - brought back from the islands by
a collector (new numbering).
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