PL8S.COM - License
Plate Website Links!
Do you have a LICENSE PLATE HOBBY website of your own, or know of a good one not listed? Send the COMPLETE WEB ADDRESS below (starting with "http://") and I'll review it and get it on this site! - Drew the Editor
TAP HERE to send me your suggestion for a website for this list.
NOTE! NO "registration plate numbers"
sites or "plate brokerage" sites will be accepted (sites that deal in the
buying and selling of "cherished" or "premier" license plate registration
This page is only for LICENSE PLATE COLLECTING and related sites. Thanks!
- Drewski the Editor
Last update: October 4th, 2008
For now, all the links are located on this site. In the near future, as the page fills up, there will be site buttons located here, linking to all the license plate links, grouped alphabetically.
NOTE! Since the advent of Cable and DSL access to the Internet, speed is not as much of an issue as it had been. For now, I'm listing links, but with no icons. I'll be adding a "bar" system of rating and review in the next few days!
![]() |
TOP-rated sites will received the "gem" rating! |
poor site, needs a lot of work, or includes bad links, redirects, shady
not good, little effort, faulty links - needs work.
garden variety, basic page, weak photos.
OK page - some good photos, average links.
Good page, some nice photos, good link selection
Very nice page, with a good array of photos, interesting info, nice selection
of links
Excellent page, with great photos, good links, extensive data.
Super page, well laid out, with excellent photos, tons of information, links,
data, unique content.
Top of the heap, with a multitude of photos, super content, links, plates
for sale, want list - professionally laid out.
- Best of the best - not many like this - would have to excell in all manners...
data, photos, links, unique content - the works.
Notes: Not a bad page, loads very quick, and has a bunch of decent photos. Broken down into regions - also includes some links and other info. Not crazy about the advertising at the top of each page, but that's probably the payback for a free page. Check it out!
Alex's Splendiferous
Page! - Alex Merkler
Notes: Nice site from an ALPCA member, who collects current plates, as well as 1969 vintage plates. A lot of ads, not much of a want list, but there's a good amount of photos.
Crate of License Plates
Notes: A basic site, with photos of plates, various want lists, and a nice group of links. Problem is, it's an Angelfire page, which tried to open up a "bad rating" popup page. Sometimes the free sites just aren't worth it. But check out Andy's plates!
Auto License Plates - Steve Grove
Notes: Neat site - I have a soft spot for Antique Auto plates, and this one is a nice reference page for those into this type! A page for each state, but still no Canadians.... detailed info on each states issues. Excellent photos and data, including links to other sites, and some "for sale" plates.
Arizona License Plates
- Gary Fox
Notes: A great site dedicated to Arizona license plates. Has links to pages covering all years of Arizona license plates, pre-states, motorcycles, trucks, dealers,etc - also has some super photos of pre-states, and vintage auto photos. Includes tables with codes, high numbers, windshield stickers, all sorts of good stuff. Overall, a nice site with top notch photos - EXCELLENT! NEW ADDRESS - no more Angelfire BS popups.
German/British/American License plates
Notes: Well laid out, with photographic images of some German license plates. Only two problems - the plates aren't authentic, and they're priced a lot higher than authentic plates. I guess if you have enough money for a nice "beemer", this doesn't matter. Commercial site for auto accessories. I'm not a fan of reproductions of any type, hence the low rating. Too many of these Japanese, German, etc plates are showing up in collections, and it's starting to affect the hobby. There are a few sections with code info, etc, which may be useful to some collectors.
Bill's License
Plate Trading Site
Notes: Basic site, with a lot of LARGE photos of plates, including some pix of unusual and scarce plates from South Korea, and some other off-topic pix. Has a bunch of links, and a list of Bill's available traders.
Billy's U.S. GRAPHIC
Plates - Billy Moore
Notes: Nice, simple and to the point. A great site for checking out photos of graphics from around the US - good, clear photos - very nice overall. A nice 1942 plate collection, a Kansas run, and a few other birthyear sets. Good site.
Brian Z's License
Plate Page - Brian Zygo
Notes: Some nice stuff - has a bio, want/trade list, some useful book links, and a group of other license plate related links. Would like thumbnails instead of "text links", but still some nice photos.
Chris's License Plate
Page - Christopher Garrish
Notes: Newly reviewed since Chris's OLD website - this is a HUGE improvement - an amazing array of BC plate photos - I just wish I had the time to look at all of the pages. Most likely the most extensive grouping of BC types, including some plates I've never seen, nor knew existed. Excellent!
Chris Woodcock's License Plate Page
Notes: Chris specializes in 1951 plates, so this site is sloppin' over with 'em. Load kind of slow, due to a couple of large pictures, but there's a nice list of available '51 dupes, and another link to a BIG photo of Mr.W's '51 run. There's also a few non-1951 plates, a link to his Mass. plate site, and some photo of Hockey related plates!
Cloth Monkey - License Plate Codes on Diplomatic, Government, Alpha, Vehicle Type Codes
Notes: Neat site, with a lot of useful information. Looks like this listing is updated on a regular basis, and has a very complete listing of known codes for Diplomatic and well as Government plate from the US.
Collector's Page for International License Number/Plates
Notes: This site recently moved, and loads a little better - has some pics, which unfortunately load very slow. Has a links site, and a connection to a plate collector ring, and a trade page. From Germany.
Dave's California License Plates and Collectibles - Dave Hindman
Notes: Basic site, with want list, links to Dave's auctions on eBay. Has link buttons to a California plates page and a links site, but they're not hooked up yet.
David's License Plates and Autograph Page - Dave Babcock
Notes: Simple page, with more info about autographs than plates - Basic bio, trade list, want list, and a short stack of links. Has the pop-up console.
Delaware Historic Plate Company - Remanufacturers of black porcelain license plates
Notes: This is the site of the company that cranks out the "new" reproductions of the 1940's vintage Delaware porcelain license plates. Nice looking plates, and marked on the reverse to prevent any misunderstandings. Also has a FAQ and a link to some pages on Delaware license plate history written by Dave Lincoln.
Drewski's PLATESTAND - Drew Steitz, ALPCA 2452
Notes: My God - this is the greatest site I've ever seen!
It's spectacular! Words can't describe.... oh wait, it's my site.
Never mind.
Feel free to stop by, and if you see something you like, mention the "LINX
5%" offer, and I'll give you a flat 5% off your order! (shhh.... keep
this under your hat!) - Drewski
Notes: A well-done site, from Dutch "nice guy" Herman Hallo. This is the first site I've reviewed that actually has an audible voice greeting me when I opened the page! For now, there's an extensive library of information and photos for many European countries. Sites of special notes are the many island sites, with photos and photocopies of some rare plates indeed. This one will only get better, keep an eye on it!
Ed's Home Plate - Ed English
Notes: Ed was once the "keeper" of the license plate listserv, not sure if he does that anymore - his site has some pix, misc. info, and a pretty decent links listing. Loads in about 25 seconds.
Electo-Optical Technologies, Inc.
Notes: A sub-site with technical information about optical scanners that read license plates. Some information, stats, a pic or two. A bit dry, but it IS plate related!
Notes: A website dealing with the brokering of cherished license plate numbers - based in the UK. Some pix, lots of prices and combination information.
Eric Taylor's License Plate Collecting Site - Eric Taylor
Notes: WARNING - If you have an inferiority complex when it comes to the early plates in your collection, I would avoid this site. This quick loading site is ultra-tastefully laid out, crisp and clear, and links lead to sites specializing in early issues - porcelain and metal - broken down into Hawaiian plates, US plates, and Canadian issues. The Hawaiian plate photos are amazing - there are good many that I've NEVER seen before, and I've seen a lot. The Canadian and US sites are equally spectacular. Good job, Eric!
EWACARS USA License Plates Memorabilia
Notes: Just one section of a large mail order business. Claims to have lots of different US plates for sale, all are $9.95, including some environmentals. Postage is high, unless you buy a ton.
Francoplaque License Plate Collector's Site
Notes: A biggie of a site, and more that I could ever cover in one sitting. The best description of the photo section would be "VAST" and "in bulk". There's thousands of photos of world plates, from all sorts of sources on the web - eBay, ALPCA, PL8S.COM, and various personal collection sources. The problem is, there's no descriptions, a lot of duplication of types, and even some actual duplication of the exact same plate photo. There are also some fakes shown, and some battered Wheaties cereal plates shown as a motorcycle or small vehicle plate. BUT - the overall source of pure photo stock is amazing, and worth a look-see.
Notes: This is an updated version of Glenvil's page - with nothing but license plate related stuff - a nice linked gallery of license plate photos, and a batch of links at the bottom. Nice photos! Loads nice and quick. Oh... there's a license plate web-ring based here, which is some sort of license mailing list system - check it out.
Ham Radio License Plates - Brian Johnson
Notes: Into Ham license plates? Don't miss this one. This is just the ham plate section of Brian's site, but it's something to see. A group of photos from every state, DC and Canada, including some rare issue. From the first issue in most cases, up to current plates. Loads fast, and has a super "map tap" site to pick the page you want to check out! Just super.
HISTORY OF IDAHO LICENSE PLATES - The Idaho State Historical Society.
Notes: This may be one of the best sites Ive seen, especially considering the fact that it seems to be a state run page! Loads lightning quick, and then starts pumping out the info - color photos of ALL issues from 1914 on up, including mouse tap enlargements, county coding data, links to some plate sites, color codes, slogans, and coming soon - non-pass and special Idaho plate photos! What more can you ask? Stop in and check this one out...
Notes: This is sort of a "sub-page" of a site of a guy who deals in Emergency vehicles - a large group of Illinois license plate photos of the Ambulance/Fire Department series - as of my load, many of the photo links were dead. Might be up to date as of your upload. Some nice plate photos.
Internet License Plate Gallery
Notes: Nice fast loading site, specializing in photos of net users own personalized plates. Has color photos, the owners name, and information about the plate. Good graphics, and information about scanning and sending in your OWN plate!
Notes: An interesting variation on the standard aftermarket car parts specialty webpage - sells authentic Irish license plates, of the newer EEC style plate, blue band, stars and all - even with your choice of any of the Irish counties - Gaelic name, and whatever plate number you want! Not for the true plate collector, but if you'd like a nice Irish plate for your ride, here's the place to visit. Also has non-plate links selling all sorts of items from Ireland. Plates are a tad pricey, but no more than your average aftermarket plates.
Notes: A slow loading "Angelfire" site - took 160 seconds to load completely. Jamie has a lot of personal non-plate bio info on the main page, but there are three linked sites from here with lots of license plate info. There's a 50 state/Canada link list, with a handful of plate photos per jurisdiction - most have huge pictures (100k or larger) of each plate, that take a long time to load, but the quality is good, except for a few cropped pix. There's also a license plate info site (coming soon), and a trader list. The most annoying problem is the ever-present Angelfire ads that pop up every time you tap on a link. I've always hated these, but I guess if you want a free site, you learn to accept it.
Jeff Fazekas License Plate Site
Notes: A standard site, nicely laid out - specializes in New Jersey license plates, US Government plates, and some other neat stuff. Trade list, links, Want list - lots more. Check it out!
Justin's License Plate Home Page - Justin Mattes
Notes: He's back! This site moved some time ago, and now I've finally gotten it back on the list. Nice site, with a License Plate Collectors Webring, a checklist for plates needed in his own collection, links to various plate books and publications, a photo page with NJ plates and plates "on cars", Color Codes and county info for New Jersey, a page of links, some collecting tips, and a feedback forum. Some nice features, although I could live without the "pop up" advertising and banners, but I guess that's part of the "free page" biz. Check it out!
Just who IS OLDCARS55? - Dave Coker
Notes: A nice basic Bio page, with a dozen or so photos of 1955 license plates (and one Hawaii 1957) - also has some links, personal info and interests, an eBay link, and a resume. The drawbacks? Loads "double turtle" slow, at around five minutes and twelve seconds. The plate photos are huge, but resized down on the site, which doesn't change the actual byte-size. They just need to be resampled and reloaded, and this plate will load much quicker. Many of the pictured plates have those cool old attachments on top, kind of a nice touch. There's also a snap of Dave's '55 Chevy.
Keychain Tags - Kris Kimbrough
Notes: Just a top notch page.... even if you don't collect keychain tag license plates, this is a superb site - loads very quickly, and has links to pages with large color photos, and a lot of useful information. Has info on DAV tags, non-DAV style tags (like the BFGoodrich issues and kit tags), all of the DAV varieties (almost 30!), a breakdown by U.S. States, Canadian War Amp tags, and a page of links. I really like this site, and it's clear that someone put some effort into it!
Notes: A young site dedicated mainly to the Ham Radio hobby, but also has a decent page that displays a pull down menu, where you can pick a state or province, and see the plate in question, along with a brief bio of the ham operator/plate owner in question. Only a small handful of plates are there so far, but when theyre all included, it should be an interesting site!
Notes: A fairly extensive page, with a ton of photos - specializing in environmentals, wildlife and optional issues. Has a want list, and a link to a license plate chat site. Loads a bit slow, but the page is nicely laid out with frames, and each individual state page loads quickly. Ken also managed to get rid of the GeoCities pop-up ads, which is also a BIG plus!
Notes: A nice page - from Garie Chavez comes this webpage, which is basically a compilation of plates for sale - this is a worldwide group, although many of the jurisdictional sites are not yet up and running. I believe a lot of these plates, if not all of them, are former Roy Carson (ALPCA #17) collection items. A nice layout, with smooth links, a DMV source page, and a nice gallery. Small photos of plates for sale enlarge to a much larger and clearer image. And, best of all, Garie is giving part of the proceed of plate sales to a Cancer charity. How can you go wrong? Check it out, buy some plates....
Len Heller's License Plate Web Site
Notes: Large list of available plates, want list, links, Europlate Club info, few photos, relies heavily on graphic artwork rather than photos. Also has international plate histories from three or four countries. Loads in about 35 seconds.
Notes: I have good news and bad news on this one. First - the good news! This is a very slick site, with super photographs, easy to use links, very informative pages, and some interesting pix of a guy with an odd computer-rendered "disguise" of drawn-on glasses and bad hair.
The bad news - this site is one of the worst things to happen to the license plate hobby. LPTV offers not only scores of those annoying "front" plates, novelties, and "car brand" plates - you know, Chevy, "I Love my Grandkids" etc - the useless stuff that permeates your searches for REAL plates on eBay, but they've also deemed it necessary to offer reproductions of every possible variation of US, Canadian and worldwide plates, including some very believable overseas issues. These have already shown up in collections, and have been offered on the secondary market as "real" plates. With a great majority of the crap plates these guys offer, only a rank amateur would be fooled - most of the dies are wrong, the sizes are wrong, the colors are wrong - BUT - if you didn't know better, you might end up with one of these in your collection. The prices are also fairly ridiculous - some of them are in the $70-80 range, which for the issue represented, is like three to twenty times the price for an authentic issue.
At the very least, check this site out, just so you know what NOT to buy. There's a ton of awful foreigns out there already, and this site is pushing more of the same. If you're just looking for a plate to bolt to your bumper for grins and giggles - hey, go for it. Just don't re-sell the plate as the real thing.
Interesting footnote - I contacted the company on the premise of buying something, and they got back to me very quickly. A second email, asking them to consider permanently marking the reverse of their plates with the word "REPRODUCTION", was ignored. Enough said.
Notes: A new page, from a guy named Luke. Has some links, a want list, and some photos. Neat section for one of Luke's specialties, which are GREEN license plates! There are some flaws, however - the page loads slowly due to a lot of animated GIF images, there's a missing image here and there, and the photos that come up are in BMP format, which load very slowly. With a little cleanup, and JPEGS to replace the bitmaps, this will be a great site!
Notes: Ah... nothing says LICENSE PLATE COLLECTORS like a page with a truly weird name. Im not sure who Mike and Randy are, but heres the trade/sell list for these guys - miscellaneous this and that, with two links, and a YAHOO search window. Still a young site.
MISSING IN ACTION - A Directory of Missing, Lost, Misdirected or Stolen Collectible License Plates - Drew Steitz
Notes: This is one of my own sites - I had the idea for this page for years, but after a rash of paid license plate order never showed up in the mail, it started a fire under my butt. This is an informational site for plates that are "missing" - it includes info on eBay orders that were never delivered, plates that were stolen at meets or from homes or storage areas, or plates that were lost "in transit" - photos are included, as well as links to larger photos, and email links to the proper owners.
Motorcycle License Plates - Tom Smith's Web Page
Notes: Clean and functional page, with a lot of interesting motorcycle plate photos. Also has a link to Tom's list of trade/sell plates.
Motorist Mail - Free License Plate Number Search Site
Notes: Not sure about this one - offered up as a free license plate number search site, supposedly for entering a license plate number and finding the name of the plate owner. Has links for the US and some foreign countries. The problem is, you have to sign up for the free service, and supply your OWN name and plate number. So basically, you can look up a number, as long as the person you're looking up has already registered on the site. Seems like a long shot - check it out and see!
NBPlates.COM - Gary Sanders
Notes: A nicely laid out, compact site, with New Brunswick plate information. Loads in about 30 seconds, with an easy to use base site - includes links to some great photos, laid out by decade, a want list, some links and a grading chart. There are some links that are still not operative, but should be up and running soon. Nice clean site.
Nick's License PL8S Page - Nick Kanaya
Notes: Good graphics, with lots of info and pix of Sample license plates. Includes a section on books, sample info, a bio, a trade/sale list, and some links. Loads slow, but worth the wait.
Nick's License Plate Frames Page
Notes: No, not Nick Kanaya's page, this looks to be a page from a California CHiP officer. Has some pretty funny police motorcycle license plate frames - just graphic representations, but still worth a look!
Notes: Officially "The NEW Plate Depot" - this is Mark O'Neil's page of license plates for sale. Simple, well laid out, with clear and concise pricing and photos. The prices aren't too bad either - gotta love the "99 cent" style pricing! Plates from the USA, Canada and Australia, and at the time of this review, Mexico "coming soon". Nice site.
PlateGuy License Plate Trade Page
Notes: Decent page, with a lot of links, and a WANT list. Loads quick. Has photos of available plates.
Plate Heaven - Joe Buriak Home Page
Notes: Home page, trader list, guest book, and a few links. New name, and overall improved site - nice pix, links, various info tidbits. Stop in and see the Joe's Plate Heaven!
Plate Hut - Andy Bernstein
Notes: A brand new site, as of early '02 - still has some flaws that will have to be cleared up - the base page opens slowly, due to oversized "minimized" plate images (large files downsized on screen, but drawing from a much larger image). The site is also limited to basically a "plates for sale" site at this point, with no prices. BUT - If I know Andy, this one will shape up fast. He already has some nice thumb sized images of a fraction of his available stock (some real goodies), and it looks like he has a Spanish and French version of the page in the works. Watch this one!
Platemenistan - The license plate collecting website of Josh Friedman
Notes: One of the better sites around, with an amazing array of links. Also includes a photo archive, trade list, and explanation of the website's name. Josh also thought that I was dead for about two weeks, and that alone gives him points in MY book.
Notes: This site is so good, it makes my head hurt. Plates in Rome disappeared from my linx page when the address changed, but thanks to an avid surfer, I now have the new location. If this site was great before, it's now spectacular. The layout on each page is a work of art, clean - sharp design, with great photos, quick links, fully functional frames, and the content is the best of all. The site centers on plates of Italy, along with pages for the Vatican, San Marino, Seborga, SMOM, and some other jurisdictions from the fringe of the tiny, outdated or obscure. There are photos of plates that I'm never seen, nor could imagine have existed - how about a 30's vintage Italian Fire Department motorcycle? Or a 1943 Brigata Nera (Black Brigade) plate, from a vehicle used by fascist brigades to hunt down Italian partisans. These are just a few of the amazing entries, and that's not including the other jurisdictional sites. There's also the above average grouping of additional pages, with links, books, mailing lists.... yow. Check this one out!
Plates USA - The License Plate Superstore!
Notes: It's been a LONG time since I've checked out the PlatesUSA site, and it has improved in many ways since the last look-see. PlateUSA seems to offer plates for the more "casual" collector - someone looking for some nice decorative tags, or 50-state sets, or just something to hang up in the bar. Tons of plates from the USA, and various amounts of stock from Canada, Mexico, Australia, and some world issues. Motorcycle and foreign plates are few and far between, but the prices on these aren't bad. Prices on the rest of the stock runs from dirt cheap (many of the handicapped plates are priced far less than what I paid ten years ago), to a bit pricey ($75 for a recent Yukon pass) - there's also an easy to use "shopping cart" and checkout system, and PlatesUSA takes PayPal and most forms of plastic. There's a site search feature that works well to find the exact plate you need, and the "product list" link shows ALL of the plates that are available, alphabetically - very handy. Looks like free shipping is also included on larger orders, which makes buying a "regular quality" set of 50 states and DC for $185.00 a great deal! Overall, a nice site, and worth checking out.
Notes: Needs some work - there are a LOT of various framed pages sprouting off from the main site, unfortunately also popping up some nasty spam pages. Moving around is difficult, with various Java applets running at all times, slowing load times down to a crawl. Some of the pages are also tough to read, with odd color combinations, and the graphic plate photos of US plates takes a long time to load, only to reveal pictures of representations of current plates. I also was not able to find out who the author was, short of the name Dave - theres a LOT of info here, and its still a good site, but it has a lot of fixing up to do. Drew Steitz, ALPCA 2452
Notes: My original website, originally published on the WWW back in 1995 (as the "Queen-B License Plate Page". My page had to be pretty close to, if not THE first license plate hobby website. To be honest, I just haven't had the time to update this site, but I always have plans on the back burner to get this updated. I've seen a number of websites that seem to have "borrowed" from my original design, which I'll take as a compliment. Watch for updates!
PL8SOURCE - Retro License Plates - Mike Glauboch
Notes: Great site - a lot of plates for sale, large clear photos of all items, and easy "shopping cart" checkout, with credit card or PayPal payment options (as well as check/mo info) - many nice types, from the US, Canada and around the world - from the cheap commons, up to some truly rare items.
PL8WORLD - H.Stoecker
Notes: Nice page, with multiple links to various plate pages, featuring lots of graphic photos, specializing in Native American issues, some foreign, law enforcement, etc. Plate loads very slow, due to a huge background graphic - took about three minutes for me. Also has a want list, traders, and various other links. Not bad, check it out!
Quebec License Plate History - Joe "Tiger" Sallmen
Notes: This spot used to contain Alain Pepin's website on PQ plates, but that page has mysteriously disappeared, so here's a good page from Tiger Sallmen. Good information, easy to navigate, super photos - overall clean page.
Ralph's License Plate Page - Ralph Oeckinghaus
Notes: Expansive page, with great graphics, colorful scenery, and a list of links that borders on excessive. Many great photos of US graphics, want/trade lists, photos sections broken down into styles of graphic plates - and more RALPH plates than you might expect to see in a lifetime. Plan to spend some time on this EXCELLENT site!
Notes: A nice page with information on Swedish license plates. Speak Swedish? I hope so, since that's the language used - decent layout, loads OK, plenty of photographs, but nothing too spectacular as far as I can see. Has the codes and technical info, however, which some people might be looking for!
Rick's Homepage - Ulrik (Rick) De Neve
Notes: A nicely designed plates from this Belgian collection. Nice opening page, with links to pix of some of his collection, traders, links, and some personal information. Nice quality layout overall.
Notes: A great idea for a plate site - this is a well designed license plate photo database, mainly dealing with ROCK BAND related vanity plates. There seems to be some that are a little out of place (Solomon Islands Guadacanal Commem #51?) - but for the most part, the pix are great, and there's a lot of them. Linked by band, alphabetically, or you can tap on an image map of the US to go to your favorite state's plate! Also has band logos and graphics, and links to the official website of the band in question. Nicely done, loaded in about 40 seconds - check it out!
Notes: Alaska anyone? This is WAY more than anyone would ever need to know about plates from the "Last Frontier". I never even scratched the surface, and I probably saw 100+ great photos of Alaska plates of every conceivable type. Main page is a lightning quick loading "router" page (would you believe 3 seconds?) - Links off to all sorts of sub-sites dealing with Alaska plates. Sloppin' over with useful (and some odd) data, links, and an absolute crap-load of photos. Very interesting! Worth a look see!
Notes: This guy R.T. felt it necessary to make color images of BLANK U.S. and Canadian license plates available to other web-dwellers, in order that they may have nifty little license plate "signature" pix for their postings and websites. Your average guy would have produced some pretty simple little lo-res GIF images of plates with the numbers smoodged out. This guy didn't. When I first saw these color photos, I was ready to call it quits on my own collection of blank plates - then it turns out they're just manipulated photos! Check these out.... I don't know HOW he pulled these off, but he has very convincing images of all US and Canadian plates, in "no numbers" blank format. Really odd, and something to see. Loads pretty quick, too!
Schoff's French and German License Plates
Notes: Decent site, with a variety of information concerning mainly French and German plates. A nice assortment of seal photos, which you rarely see - also has a listing and breakdown of French departments, and German states. Some additional photos of plates from Myanmar, Luxembourg, and Gambia. Some links, and a trade list.
Scott Mitchell's License Plate Page
Notes: No frills, but functional as hell. This is basically Scotts dupes, and his want list. EZ to use tap-links take you to whatever state youre looking for, plus a want list at the end. Some plates have links that bring up quality color photos. More plates to come!
Notes: Web page based loosely on Indiana plates. Has some photos of new graphics, a want list, and a link to Scotts License Plate Webring.
Sepp's U.S. Plates Seit - "Sebastian" in Germany
Notes: This is a German language page, specializing in U.S. issue passenger plates, mostly newer or current issues. Neat and quick loading pages, sharp and clear thumbs, which link to nice large color photos of various issues. There's also pages for Canadian plates, and a LINKS page. You don't need to speak German to check this page out - would be a nice page to send someone to if they were looking for various pix of current plates.
Tablice USA - "Collection Plates" from a guy in Poland (In Polish)
Notes: Technically spectacular webpage, but a few problems. I don't speak Polish, but I could still check the pictures out - first, I got a floating "coffee mug", which obscured the page - it wouldn't go away for around 30 seconds, so as usual, "free" webpages can be a problem. The first plate I got to see was Pennsylvania, and it was one of those phony Niagara vanities, so that was no great step. BUT - there are some other nice plate photos, things load quickly, and the graphics are nice. There are some links, and a section for "Route 66" stuff. An improvement would be an English version page, and the elimination of the annoying "floating ads" - other than that, a nice page!
THE COLLECTION ... of Eric Getchell - Eric Getchell
Notes: A great site - very clean, with easy to navigate pages. Fantastic photos of some rare "low numbered" plates, as well as one of the greatest collections of Bahamas plates you'll probably see. Good stuff.
The Simpson Archive: License Plates on the Simpsons
Notes: Yes, I'm a HUGE Simpson's fan, but this is a still a nice site. Quick loading, and a sub-site of the main Simpsons site. Has every visible license plate number combination used, including some hilarious ones.
Trooper Tags - John Connors
Notes: This is a really spectacular site specializing in Police plates - has pix of some really great State Police and Trooper issue license plates, including some early and one-of-a-kind issues! There are some plates here that you will find nowhere else. The only drawbacks are a long page load time, as there are a ton of photos, and most of the plate photos are poorly cropped - I believe John used a standard scanner, which although it makes for a high quality image, limits the image length to eleven inches. As most plates are twelve inches or more in length, the ends are usually cut off. A legal size scanner or digital camera would save the day. Other that that - a super site. John Connors is the author of a key reference book on Police plates, called "Trooper Tags".
Vanity Plates - Leon Poon
Notes: Neat site - has a ton of vanity combinations, their meanings, and a nice group of links. Funny stuff!
Vicenç Figueras' License Plate Site
Notes: Good stuff - loads fairly quickly, and there's an extensive section on Spanish and Andorran license plates. Many pix, and a nice group of birthyear US issues, and some foreign motorcycle plates. Links, traders and other info as well!
Notes: A license plate site from the OTHER V-Man! This is the non-motorcycle plate Vman, and he has a nice quick-loading page, that's basically a "plates for sale" site, with an above-average selection of plates from the US and Canada. There are a few drawbacks - there are very few photos, and most are rather small, and some are off-scale. The big problem is the little bar across the top of each page, commonly found on free websites - it's an AOL based spam/advertising banner, and it has to load every time you change pages, which really slows down the works. I've recently also had the page not load with a "server busy" note, or "page not found error 404". But there are some nice plates here, including some rare stuff, and as soon as I figure out a way to bypass the AOL junk, I'll be delving deeper - check it out!
VMAN's Motorcycle License Plate Home Page
Notes: Lots of motorcycle plate want/trade/sale listings, with MANY photos, including plates in his collection. Loads quick, good links, decent layout!
Notes: Basic page, no pix, but a want list, trade list, and a brief list of traders. The GeoCities advertising keeps popping up and covering the info, which is an annoyance you have to put up with if you go for the "free" websites.
Welcome to... The License Plate Links Page!!!
Notes: A new site, and lots of info still to add. Basically just a page with a dozen or so links - check it out, there may be something here you've missed!
WildlandFD1's License Plate Corner - Mike McGuire's webpage
Notes: Slow loading and diminutive, but also a young site - give this one time, could be interesting! Has a pop-up console, which is a little distracting. BIG bio, telling everything there is to know about Mike - also a no-nonsense trade list, a decent group of links, and a page of "forest fire" and "forestry" related vanity plates. None there yet, but on the way.
Your License Plate Headquarters
Notes: Improved since my last visit - still slow loading, but has a lot more plate related stuff - a link site to this person's eBay auctions, and some links - still no mention of a name here. This guy may want to remain anonymous! The few pix I tried to load, got about 30% finished, then stalled. Some fine tuning will help this site!
Notes: Decent basic page, specializing in Utah plates - a few batches of photos, and a bunch of links. The traders pages have a ton of photos, and there seems to be plenty of available plates. Loads in a minute and change. NEW location!
PL8S.COM Main Page | Drewski's PLATESTAND - License Plates for Sale or Trade
Frequently Asked Questions | Photo Guide to Plate Grading
Glossary of License Plate Collecting Terms and Abbreviations
Drew's Coke Bottles of the World Page | Email the Editor
This links page was born on August 13, 1998 - it's now TEN YEARS OLD!.