This page is available to all collectors. To have a plate (or plates) included here, just email the details, along with a photo, to  It's preferable to have a photo, but if none are available, I will at LEAST need the plate number(s).  Obviously, with no photo and no plate number, the plate in question for have to be unique, or at least very rare.  

This site is to notify other collectors about a plate or plates that are currently unaccounted for, including overdue mailed plates, or plates that are suspected or known to have been stolen at a plate meet, or plates that were never shipped after having been paid for (eBay or private transactions).  

If you're not really sure that a plate is lost, stolen or unaccounted for, please refrain from sending the info until you're certain that the plate is nowhere to be found.  

The more info you can supply, the better.  If you bought something on eBay that never arrived, include the photo, as well as the seller's eBay i.d., the item number, the date it was supposed to have been shipped, etc.  If the item arrives, or is found, contact me, and I'll update the listing to "recovered".

TAP the thumbnail pix below for larger photos.

STOLEN - Washington - Tow Truck, 1974.  Paid for on March of 2004, eBay purchase from "desertdames" - seller first claimed to have sent with another purchase, then said it was sent separately - plate never arrived.  He/she eventually sent a nasty note - most likely never sent, as seller was suspended from eBay.  (contact Drew Steitz if you have info on this plate)

MISSING IN TRANSIT -Indiana - Indy Tow Truck, 1990.  Payment sent to Dr. Roy Klotz on 9/05 through PayPal.  Anyone who knows Dr. Roy knows he's honest, so this one most likely was misdirected or stolen en route (I have a P.O.Box) - was shipped from Dresher, PA to Allentown, PA area.  (contact Drew Steitz if you have info on this plate)

MISSING IN TRANSIT -Vermont - 1965 Repair plate - payment through paypal to Mike Glauboch (since refunded, thanks Mike!).  

Plate was shipped from Montana to Allentown, PA area, but never arrived.  Shipped on or around 9/2/05.  (contact Drew Steitz if you have info on this plate)

MISSING IN TRANSIT - Finland - 1970's moped plate - payment through paypal to Robert Roman (since refunded through paypal claim).  Plate was shipped from Germany to Allentown, PA area, but never arrived.  Shipped on or around 9/28/05 via Airmail.  (contact Drew Steitz if you have info on this plate)

STOLEN - Ecuador great story behind this one - I won this plate on eBay from Greg Gibson - Gibby mistakenly sent this plate instead of another green motorcycle (Argentina) to a woman/kid in North Carolina (bluepony-farms on eBay, - when he caught his mistake, he sent the correct plate, asking for the other one back.  Turns out the person who got the wrong plate LIKED the plate, so decided to keep it.  After a batch of emails went unanswered, I contacted the seller.  She/he originally denied having the plate, but in a final profanity/misspelling laced email, admitted that they DID have the plate, and wasn't going to return it.
Bottom line, this plate is stolen, and the dope who has it will probably either try to sell it off, or just chuck it rather than be honest.  The person who swiped the plate isn't the sharpest, judging from the other plates she/he bought on eBay, including some fake Colombian/Cuban/Japanese plates, so there's a good chance that this person won't be displaying any award-winning groups at any ALPCA shows.  Contact Drew at if you spot this plate.  "blueponyfarms" need not contact me, as the email address is on my blocked list.

MISSING IN TRANSIT - Yukon 1972 passenger - Missing in transit from Arlington, VA to Croton-on-Hudson, NY. Mailed September 4, 2006. -  Andrew Pang, ALPCA 3877, Arlington, VA -

STOLEN - Florida/Miccosukee This is a plate that was offered on eBay as a "Buy it Now" - a few minutes after listing, I was lucky to grab it at about a third of its value.  I emailed the seller about insuring the shipment, but never heard back from him.  A week later, I paid through paypal, and then found that he had returned the payment, telling me "he sold to another buyer".  Although he claims to have sold it "at the same price", anyone experienced with eBay sellers knows this guy was besieged with offers for this plate, or other plates like it.  I don't know who ended up with this one, but I consider it a plate I had won, and paid for, therefore, it's listed here as a "stolen plate".  The seller, "tlk508", has offered me ANOTHER plate, but it seems like he's more interested in dragging his feet until the "feedback period" has expired.  If anyone out there knows where this plate is, or actually owns it, I'd like to hear from you - Drew 

STOLEN - California 1980's vintage Exempt plate.  This plate was sold on eBay by Mike Vandeweghe ("plates39" on eBay) to Guy Peterson.  Auction ended 1/28/06, paid for the next day, plate was never received.  Seller claims the post office lost the package.  Was apprently some nasty "back and forths" after feeback was left.  Contact Guy Peterson if you have any info on this item.

STOLEN - KANSAS 1913 passenger, low number 998. (note - this pic is a composite, it's not a photo of the actual plate).  This plate was stolen from collector Tom Allen - more info to follow.  Contact Tom if you have an info on the wherabouts of this plate (no larger photo currently available).

STOLEN - Mexico Undated GRO state passenger, with swordfish graphics. Was won on eBay - Oct. 31, 2005 - paid through PayPal to eBay seller "andymexplates", Andrew Pinas.  

Seller promised shipment on three different occasions, but plate never arrived.

Contact Elvin Godbehere (ALPCA 8742) with info.

MISSING IN TRANSIT -Mexico 1931 Sinaloa State passenger plate.  If my info is accurate, this plate was purchased by Alf Baca (ALPCA in Mexico) from "Mr. Stremmel" (Bob Stremmel?) sometime in 2004. - Plate never arrived in Mexico.

If you have info, or have seen this plate, contact Alf Baca.

STOLEN - MICHIGAN Recent series HISTORICAL VEHICLE.  Plate was stolen from the bumper of an Antique Car in shipment from Michigan to California during the week of 2/17/08.   If you see this plate surface for sale or in a collection, please contact

Have a lost or missing plate?  Contact me - I'll show the photo here.  Even if a plate ends up "actually lost in the mail", it can end up in a collector's hands, after unclaimed mail is searched and distributed at a government auction.  

For the record, "lost in the mail" is a feeble excuse, at best.  I've been collecting plates since 1968 - I've shipped and received thousands of packages, and have not had ONE shipment actually get lost in the mail - in the long run, the plates surface somewhere.  
In one case, I recovered "lost" plates that were actually stolen - almost 20 years after they were shipped.  In another, plates from a misdirected package were seen on the front of the car of the person who mistakenly received the plates.  Fortunately, the collector who spotted the plate on the car was not only the proper recipient, but a police officer.  He not only got the plate off the guy's car in about five seconds, but got the other plates in the shipment out of the clown's garage in about 10 minutes.  --- Don't give up hope!

TAP HERE to send in your "lost/missing/stolen" plate information.

EBAY ORDERS NEVER RECEIVED:  Include item number, photos (if no photo, plate numbers are a "must"), dates, and seller i.d., and shipping info if you have the details.

NON-EBAY ORDERS NEVER RECEIVED:  Include photos (if no photo, plate numbers are a "must"), dates, and info pertaining to the deal, including seller name and location.

STOLEN PLATES (Plates taken without permission at plate meets, flea markets, or from private property):  Need photos (if no photo, plate numbers are a "must"), date plates were noticed missing, location plates were last noted.

MISSING PLATES - Even if you're not sure your plate is stolen, feel free to send the info - but PLEASE be sure not to send an entry if there's a chance you've sold the plate in question to someone, and just forgot.  This will end up someone looking bad, and you'll send up looking like a boob for not keeping better records.

IMPORTANT - If an item you list here is recovered, returned to you, or shows up in the mail, PLEASE drop me a line so that I can update this page.  

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